Sunday, January 08, 2012


by: Jónsi & Alex (formerly known as "Riceboy Sleeps")

Taken from the album Dark Was The Night (2009)

It's really hard to put into words how this song makes me feel... On one hand it can be very sad and evoke a dark and twisted side, while on the other hand, it can serve as an inspirational track. An uplifting melody, strong enought to move you on to making great accomplisments... to go the extra mile and achieve extraordinary things. It has a lot of that "motivational side" I guess...

It would certainly be apart of any movie soundtrack I would make, thanks to it's ability to easily be integrated in any scene! It has a big cinematographic component, I say! Therefore, making its way through many other wonderful tracks on Dark Was The Night and standing as one of my favourites of the indie album!

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